
Austrian renown “Journal für Rechtspolitik” publishes recommendations for electoral reforms

2 May , 2018  

A revised and more comprehensive version of the catalog for electoral reforms compiled by (Election-Watch.EU) has now been published by the Journal für Rechtspolitik.

Austria is the host country of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and chaired the OSCE in 2017. Since 2010, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE / ODIHR) has deployed a total of nine election missions to Austria. The OSCE electoral assessment and [...]  read more


Human Rights Talks Electoral Reform Discussion – Video online

31 Mar , 2018  

Marcelo JENNY (Institut of Political Science, University of Innsbruck), Armin RABITSCH (, Hubert SICKINGER (Institut of State and Political Science, University of Wien), and Melanie SULLY (Go-Governance) discussed how  comprehensive electoral reforms, following a participate process including civil society representatives, could be stipulated.  Moderation: Irene BRICKNER (Der Standard).

The HUMAN RIGHTS TALK was recoreded by  [...]  read more


OSCE/ODIHR publishes findings and recommendations for the 2017 elections

7 Feb , 2018  

The final report of the OSCE / ODIHR Election Assessment Mission to the parliamentary elections on 15 October 2017 once again confirms that Austria is a solid democracy. However, further improvements are needed to fulfill Austria’s obligations under the OSCE and other international standards for democratic elections.

The Election Assessment Mission, sent by the OSCE/ODIHR (OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights), lists 17 recommendations on how to improve electoral and electoral [...]  read more

International publishes in the Nordic Journal of Human Rights

16 Dec , 2017  

The Nordic Journal of Human Rights focused in its fourth quarter 2017 edition on the Subject Election Observation. The Journal published the article of with the title “Mapping [...]  read more


Handbook on the Follow-up of Electoral Recommendations

6 Nov , 2016  

The OSCE Office for Human Rights and Democratic Institutions publishes a handbook on the follow-up of election recommendations.