
Amb. Urszula Gacek accepts to become the first Advisory Board Member

22 Feb , 2024  

Vienna, 22 February 2024: We are honoured to welcome Ambassador Urszula Gacek as the first Advisory Board Member. Amb. Gacek has a solid experience in elections and election observation and will provide advice to Election-Watch.EU in the upcoming tasks surrounding the June 2024 European Parliament elections and beyond. 

Ambassador Urszula Gacek is a former senior diplomat in the Polish MFA, Poland’s Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe and Consul General [...]  read more

European Union

Pre-Election Assessment Mission Report published

7 Feb , 2024  

Brussels, Vienna, 7 February 2024: Election.Watch.EU published its Pre-Election Assessment Mission (PEAM) Report and will conduct a comprehensive Election Assessment Mission (EAM) to the 6-9 June 2024 European Parliament (EP) elections within the 27 EU Member States (MS).

Ahead of the 6-9 June 2024 European Parliament (EP) elections, the Election-Watch.EU PEAM conducted in-person consultations in Brussels between 22 and 24 November 2023 and online meetings during the [...]  read more

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Endorsing Member of the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observers

2 Feb , 2024  

Atlanta, 22 January 2024: The Convening Committee of the Declaration of Principles (DoP) for International Election Observers recognised Election-Watch.EU as an endorsing organisation at its last meeting in Addis Ababa hosted by the African Union.

Endorsers of the DoP meet annually to share experiences, discuss methodological questions, and address challenges to elections, democracy, and election observation. The DoP Convening Committee Members especially  [...]  read more

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European Union,International

Election-Watch.EU invited to present at the 20th ECNE meeting

6 Dec , 2023  

Brussels, 6 December 2023: The European Commission DG JUST invited Election-Watch.EU to the 20th European Cooperation Network on Elections (ECNE) meeting and to present its preliminary findings of the Pre-Election Assessment Mission (PEAM) and planning for the June 2024 European Parliament elections.

Election-Watch.EU provided a brief overview of the take away from its PEAM meetings and emphasised the value added by acknowledged citizen-led election observation organisations, [...]  read more

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Austria,European Union,General

Artificial Intelligence – Curse or Blessing? Discussion at the European media days

2 Dec , 2023  

Lech, 1 December 2023: The great transformation – fears, challenges and bright spots were the focus of the 15th European media summit in Lech am Arlberg/ Austria. As part of the science forum at the University of Innsbruck, Dr. Viorela Dan from the University of Innsbruck, Dr. Justus Piater, Head of the Digital Science Center at the University of Innsbruck and Dr. Armin Rabitsch from Election-Watch.EU ( discussed the challenges [...]  read more

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European Union,International

European Day of Persons with Disabilities – Input on 2024 European Parliament elections

30 Nov , 2023  

Brussels, 30 November 2023: Election-Watch.EU was invited to present at the European Day of Persons with Disability’s Panel on the Right to vote and to stand for elections – Removing
barriers for persons with disabilities in the EU parliament. 

Moderated by Mr. Alejandro Moledo, Deputy Director and Head of Policy of the European
Disability Forum (EDF), the panel comprised:
Mrs. Susanna van Tonder from Luxembourg [...]  read more

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European Union,General

Pre-Election Assessment Mission by Election-Watch.EU in Brussels

18 Nov , 2023  

Brussels, 18 November 2023: Election-Watch.EU conducted the first, in-person part of the Pre-Election Assessment Mission (PEAM) from 15 to 18 November in Brussels. The three member team met representatives of European institutions, European political parties and civil society.

The PEAM, aims at assessing the European electoral reforms progress since 2019, areas of contention, possible threats and risks in the European electoral processes, while raising awareness about [...]  read more

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