Austria,European Union,General,International

Preliminary Statement of the Election Assessment Mission to the European Elections

10 Jun , 2024  

Brussels, 10 June 2024: Election-Watch.EU presented its Preliminary Statement of the Election-Watch.EU Election Assessment Mission to the 2024 European Parliament Elections at a press conference at the Press Club Brussels Europe. 

The Preliminary Statement covers the following aspects:
  • Equality of participation and representation
  • Inclusion of underrepresented groups
  • Transparency of electoral processes
  • Accountability of political actors
  • Integrity of electoral conduct
  • Resilience to risks and threats

Election-Watch.EU conducted its second Election Assessment Mission to the European Parliament elections in all 27 EU Member States. The Mission of 77 election experts and observers and 10 like-minded citizen election observer organisations followed established election observation methodology and used international and regional human rights standards and commitments as references.

Election-Watch.EU will publish a final report with findings and recommendations to strengthen European electoral integrity and to enhance democratic practices beginning of autumn. The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of the European elections by highlighting good electoral practices among Member States and to provide a sound basis for electoral reforms at European and Member State level.

The video of the press conference can be viewed here.



Media coverage:

Politico Brussels Playbook 11 June 2024

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